Friday, 20 June 2014


While sorting out boxes the other day I came across a hexie cushion kit I had purchased a few years ago from Kandipandi's blog

I had forgotten all about this kit!

I had already started making the hexies

I had forgotten what a easy on the go project hexies are. They really are a pleasure to work on

I hunted down some of my fabric scraps and added to the pile of already made hexies.

The cushion front is slowly growing, I will post a finished picture soon.

What do you make with hexies?

Thursday, 12 June 2014

The wonderful world of snailmail

Recently while having a look around the Internet I came across a few posts on Instagram about snail mail.

The more I looked around the more I fell in love.  The envelopes, the stationary, the pens, the get the idea.

I set about making a wanted post to put on my instagram, my phone went off within a few minutes...someone wanted to be my pen pal.  Form there on several other people left messages.

So I set about getting together a box of bits to make my letters pretty.  I really love the idea of sending some happiness through the post to a strange and making them smile.

Paperchase orders arrived...just look at that box of pretty

So I set about writing to my snail mail pals, having way to much fun with all the pretty stationary

Soon the letters started coming through my letterbox...I dashed to the find such lovely heart warming letters from all over the world.

The only problem is I think I'm a bit addicted to buying washi tape...
Can you ever have to much? ;P

Do any of you pen pal?  Leave me a comment if you would like to be mine x