Sunday 26 September 2010

Afternoon of baking

My son and I had very much enjoyed watching the Great British Bake Off. Josh was very keen to make the Cornish Pasty from the show. So yesterday we gathered all the ingredients and had a go.

The pastry was a nightmare, I was not happy with it at all :( However once baked some magic happened and they turned out amazing.

None of us like Swede so I put in a few bits of carrot instead. The recipe can be found here with a helpful little video on how its done. Have a go they taste yummy :)


  1. Looks good to me, I'll try & ignore the carrot, being a Cornish woman! ;D
    Yvonne x

  2. Oh they look just yummy :)

  3. They look right proper!
    That was meant to be in a Farmers accent lol...x

  4. They look really yummy, may have a go myself :) x

  5. They look great - just never mention pasties with carrot in to a cornish person ;) I've been told off by cornish friends before ;)

  6. I don't like pasties but they look scrummy! I'm sure i could manage a timy bite!!!

  7. They look lovely - the series passed me by which is a bit annoying. I think I'll try that recipe.

  8. Is it madness I've never eaten a pasty before!

    Victoria x
